Prof. Sandro Wimberger, leader of the Parma team, visited University of Otago Atomic Physics Laboratory of Prof. Mikkel Andersen in order to explore theoretical aspects of the experimental realization of cold atomic collisions and entanglement

03.02.2025 – 25.022025 and 05.03.2025 – 11.03.2025 Rita Veilande visited the experimental group led by Assoc. Prof. Mikkel Andersen of the University of Otago, the New Zealand partner in the HE-MSCA-SE Q-DYNAMO project. She was introduced to the experiments on the trapping and manipulating of individual rubidium atoms and the new experiment on the trapping of dysprosium (Dy) atoms with the aim of creating new substances at the atomic level. She was also introduced to the research of Assoc. Prof. Sandro Wimberger (University of Parma), who was also visiting the University of Otago at this time as one of the Q-DYNAMO partners.

R.Veilande learned methods for solving the master equation for a spin-entangled state in a magnetic field for 1D and 3D models, the applicability of the Born and Markov approximations.

She also briefly got acquainted with the experimental (Stuart Murdoch, Frederique Vanholbeeck and Maarten Hoogerland groups) and theoretical (Scott Parkins group) research at the University of Auckland in the field of atomic physics, photonics and quantum optics.

A lecture ‘Kicked Rydberg atoms and mathematical models of the photon’ was given as part of the 2nd workshop seminar of the Q-DYNAMO project.
All activities during the visit were within the framework of the project ‘Quantum dynamics control of atomic, molecular and optical processes’

Teodora Velcheva Kirova