WP 1

Quantum control via the Autler-Townes effect

The objective is to develop theoretical and experimental platform models for quantum control in molecules as well as Rydberg atoms based on the Autler-Townes effect using external radio frequency, microwave or laser fields. The aim is to obtain substantial improvements in fidelity and robustness for the purposes of implementing quantum devices relevant for quantum information technologies, as well as other applications
WP Leader: University of Pisa (UNIPI)

WP 2

Coherent control of cold atoms and molecules

The main objectives are to achieve coherent control of cold atoms and molecules, including atom entanglement, manipulation of quantum states, the product distribution of ultracold chemical reactions, i.e., suppress or enhance population in certain product quantum states, as well as engineering the quantum states of the long-range atom-ion Rydberg molecules. To gain control over the reactions the reactants will be exposed to static and dynamic magnetic fields or optical light fields
WP Leader: Ulm University (UULM)


Experimental realization and control of quantum emitters

The work package aims at developing an experimental platform to trap an array of single atoms using optical tweezers and interface the atom-array to the guided nodes of an Optical Nanofiber (ONF). In addition, the collective dynamics of the atom-array aided by the chiral light-matter interaction will be studied. The platform will be implemented for controlling the generation and propagation of fiber-guided single photons. Parallelly, a hybrid scheme will be realized where polarizable emitters (e.g. atoms) are coupled in large numbers to a cavity providing chiral coupling via the spin-orbit coupling of light
WP Leader: Parma University (UPR)

WP 4

Training activities

The objective is to provide training for early-stage researchers in modern theoretical and experimental approaches in the field of quantum optics and quantum control, which are used in the WP 1-3. On one hand, the training will be provided during the Early stage researchers’ (ESR) secondments. On the other, summer schools will be organised with the purpose of transferring specific experimental and theoretical knowledge from experts in the field to the young participants
WP Leader: University of Latvia (LU)

WP 5

Management, communication and dissemination activities

The objective is twofold. First, to ensure the effective implementation of the project on scientific, and well as administrative levels. Measures include making sure the secondments are fulfilled; preparing all project documentation and reports in a timely manner; communication with the European Commission (REA) and within the consortium. Second, to ensure the effective communication, dissemination and exploitation of the results obtained during the implementation of the project on scientific, and well as general public level.
WP Leader: University of Latvia (LU)